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read my lips ...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Gara2 Copy Paste...

Tadi saya kirim imel ke mbak diah. isinya gini:
dear mbak diah,
kindly send to CJP site as soon as possible, items as mentioned below:
- brown envelope A4 size with CJP logo
- white envelope with CJP logo
- A4 paper with CJP logo
thank you very much.
trus, krn trnyata mbak diah msh cuti, pak hendra yg bls imel saya.
dear tyas,
please mentioned the quantity of the items needed.
trus, krn saya males ngetik lagi, saya klik reply, dan copy paste isi imel saya tadi.
dear mbak diah,
kindly send to CJP site as soon as possible, items as mentioned below:
- brown envelope A4 size with CJP logo: 5 bundles
- white envelope with CJP logo: 5 boxes
- A4 paper with CJP logo: 2 rims
thank you very much.
trus, bbrp saat kemudian, nining bilang, " kok mbak diah to mbak, kan sing kirim imel pak hendra. mesak'ke pak hendra, mbok undang mbak diah.."
hahaa.. iya ya, kasian pak hendra :D krn males ngetik lagi, saya copy paste, tp lupa ganti nama mbak diah sama pak hendra :p


At 15 October, 2008 19:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha..hampir kejadian padaku hari ini.. :p



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